Signature Holistic Massage
Our signature holistic massage aims to alleviate physical and emotional tension and promote an overall sense of well-being. By applying a varied pressure along with fuller, rhythmic and traditional massage techniques, this massage deeply affects the nervous system, allowing for lasting relaxation, decreased muscle tension, enhanced circulation and overall mobility.
*For those that cannot be face down for various reasons, all our LMTs are trained in side-lying and face up. We also have many bolstering options to make face down more comfortable.
60min - $140
90min - $185
Deep Tissue Massage
Our deep tissue massage focuses on addressing overall tension in the body as well as acute and chronic pain. Assessment of deeper layers of muscle, allows us to address specific discomforts. Application of myofascial release techniques, trigger points, and active release therapies will improve your flexibility, mobility, circulation, allowing your nervous system to take a break. By applying a deeper and more direct pressure to problem areas, as well as, utilizing a holistic approach, we aim to alleviate pain at its root cause.
60min - $150
90min - $195
Breast/Chest Massage
Massage for breast and chest health includes work on the upper back, shoulders, and chest areas. Focus is on relieving muscle tension, improving lymphatic drainage and addressing scar tissue if needed. May include castor oil or heat packs as well as work on the breast tissue either directly or indirectly through the drape, depending on the client's preference. Particularly good in cases of edema, post breast surgery, plugged ducts, back pain, and for symptoms of cyclic mastalgia, but can be beneficial for all.
60min - $140
Prenatal Massage
Full body massage specifically designed for pregnancy, with focus on the hips, lower back, neck, and shoulders. Deeply relaxing to help you cultivate a centered balanced state in preparation for labor. Side lying and reclined positioning used. (*some therapists use cushion system for facedown- please inquire)
60min - $140
90min - $185
Postpartum Massage
Full body massage that focuses on the areas that need it most during the postpartum period. Deeply restorative and relaxing. Recommended for all new moms! Option to bring your baby to the massage (best suited for infants under three months).
60min - $140
90min - $185
Labor Prep Massage
Specialized prenatal massage for women approaching their due date. Positioning, rebozo techniques, and pressure point massage will be used to help calm and center the mom and align the baby and gently soften the muscles of the lower body in preparation for labor.
Please contact the office to schedule, this service is not available for online booking.
90min - $195
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
A gentle pressure modality designed to help reduce stagnation and swelling, as well as to support immune function. Done directly on the skin without oil, using small pumping motions over the lymph nodes themselves, gathering strokes over the areas drained by the lymphatic vessels, and a deeper pressure protocol over the abdomen. MLD can be used to assist tissue healing and drainage post operatively and after cancer treatment. While MLD was developed for therapeutic purposes, the gentle, rhythmic nature of the strokes makes it very relaxing. 90min MLD Combo allows the opportunity to address both your lymph and muscular needs in one session. We give space and time for specific areas of lymph drainage and massage where needed.
MLD 60min - $170
MLD + Massage Combo 90min - $215
Mayan Abdominal Massage
Mayan Abdominal Massage
Abdominal and lower back massage for increasing blood, lymph, and qi flow to the reproductive and digestive organs. Beneficial for reproductive ailments, fertility challenges, and for chronic digestive complaints. Deeply centering and relaxing. If you’re a person that experiences periods, this modality is best after your menses. Please don’t book this modality if you’ll be on your period on the date of the appointment.
*This ancient healing practice is infused with the spiritual wisdom and tradition of the ancient Mayan culture.
Initial 90min - $235
Follow ups 60min - $170
Follow ups 90min - $215