Perinatal Care


Prenatal Massage

Full body massage specifically designed for pregnancy, with focus on the hips, lower back, neck, and shoulders. Deeply relaxing to help you cultivate a centered balanced state in preparation for labor.  Side lying and reclined positioning used. (*some therapists use cushion system for facedown- please inquire)

60min - $140 

90min - $185


Postpartum Massage

Full body massage that focuses on the areas that need it most during the postpartum period. Deeply restorative and relaxing. Recommended for all new moms! Option to bring your baby to the massage (best suited for infants under three months). 

60min - $140 

90min - $185


Labor Prep Massage

Specialized prenatal massage for women approaching their due date. Positioning, rebozo techniques, and pressure point massage will be used to help calm and center the mom and align the baby and gently soften the muscles of the lower body in preparation for labor.

Please contact the office to schedule, this service is not available for online booking.

90min - $195


Breast/Chest Massage

Massage for breast and chest health includes work on the upper back, shoulders, and chest areas. Focus is on relieving muscle tension, improving lymphatic drainage and addressing scar tissue if needed. May include castor oil or heat packs as well as work on the breast tissue either directly or indirectly through the drape, depending on the client's preference. Particularly good in cases of edema, post breast surgery, plugged ducts, back pain, and for symptoms of cyclic mastalgia, but can be beneficial for all.

60min - $140 


Prenatal/Postpartum Acupuncture

Full body treatment that specifically focuses on supporting the changing body throughout all trimesters of pregnancy (including the 4th). Gentle acupuncture and body work will help relax and relieve any tension especially in the lower back and hips. Acupuncture can help with nausea, heartburn, constipation, fatigue, anxiety, as well as imbalances you were working with prior to pregnancy. For breech, we suggest booking around 33 weeks. For postpartum we focus on all areas of recovery and scar therapy if indicated.

Click here for perinatal acupuncture resources.

Initial 90min - $150

Follow ups 60min - $125


Labor Prep Acupuncture

Specialized prenatal acupuncture, acupressure, and tui na massage for women. These modalities work to relax and prepare the physical body as well as the emotional mind to support a successful birthing experience. This is best to book starting around 39 weeks.

Please contact the office to schedule, this service is not available for online booking 

60min - $125